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So why bother?

Who would be interested? Why even do this? What am I trying to achieve? Aside from letters, reports and minutes in the career-which-cannot-be-discussed, some fishing club annual magazine years ago, Facebook waffle and taunting stupid people on Twitter, what writing experience do I actually have? So long has passed since GCE English language that I suspect my use of grammar, gender and personal pronouns must now be way off what is expected (allowable?) these days. Then again, it’s not like I really care too much about that.

Anyone who I’ve known or worked alongside for a significant length of time could tell you that I write best when I’m a little bit stressed, furious or feeling self-righteous. But that may well be because the erstwhile ‘career’ was in many respects incredibly stressful both from the highly charged interactions with aggressive ‘customers’ and, often worse, so-called colleagues. Some of those would best be described as what Father Jack would call, “A shower of bastards”. They probably thought about me in a similar way. That said, when I retired after 35 years, I came away having gained my partner and also a handful of people who I’m proud to call friends. It’s like leaving school in that respect; many acquaintances gained, only a few loyal friends who you stay connected with.

So, back to the purpose of this blog. There is none. It’s meant as a stream of recollections and opinions that may or may not be reliable or accurate. Take from it what you will. Disagree all you like. If that’s the case, then go write your own. Some stuff will be rehashed from my old fishing club magazine, some old or childhood memories (some of which I’m only now truly understanding to be important and formative), random opinions, whatever crosses my mind really. Oh, probably some online gaming stuff (and videos) that will be, shall we say, of limited appeal to most people.

As for politics. I’ll steer clear in the main. These days it’s so tribal and vicious that even football team rivalry looks tame. It’s worse in some respects than disagreements over religion. At least there is usually some respect shown in football and religion. Not so with politics where now everyone thinks it’s ok to scream and shout vitriolic nonsense, stamp their feet and pout if their own personal world view is questioned.

This is turning into waffle now; and I haven’t even got onto Sci-Fi, music or dogs. Best get on with an actual blog I suppose.


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